TOP >  » 2009年度アメリカ4Hからのインターン生




Michael Gobin / from America・ウィスコンシン州

Hello! I’m Michael from America. I want to share my Kanji discoveries with you.

I learn a lot of kanji from my 2 hours on the train and in the station everyday. It’s one of the easiest places to practice kanji because you have a lot of free time and signs are in both romanji and kanji. I memorized  by creating a visual image. Basically, I thought that the figure on the right side looked a lot like the sign in the stations for JR or private lines. Then, in the top left, there was a box with lines pointing to the train – kind of like the building with all the people waiting in line. Add a couple lines for other tracks, like the express train, and you have . Another kanji that is present very often in the station is  and . The horizontal line is the base and the vertical line is the direction.




 I still have a lot more to learn about kanji, but my everyday life in Japan is an easy way to help me find them out. I continue to learn like a baby, and find meaning by looking for parts from the whole.As long as I keep finding tricks and thinking of pictures to help me solve the puzzle that is kanji.